
Hi Martha, So great to read about you and welcome to the community! You have a great vibe about you and I'm so happy you've joined! Much love, Juliet xo

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Heya! I’m here to inform my conscious monogamous love relationship and keep it thriving! I’m a Dakini consciousness and I love the honesty and high vibe authenticity of Juliet’s sharings, her compassion and balanced approach to feelings and perspective. I love this new format too! Feels really fun and accessible to me. Great! I believe fully in pleasure as a path. I embrace and embody bliss. I share my embodied understandings in my life and I am moving towards fulfilling my purpose, of uniting people with their inherent bliss :) xxx

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Hi Juliet! I'm Shann, currently living mostly in North Carolina though quite nomadic ;)

Love your podcast and so sweet to receive more intimate and personal community here.

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Hi Shann! Welcome 🤗 ❤️

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Feb 5, 2023Liked by Juliet Allen

Hello, I am Kotryna, after 12years of moving around, I live between Lithuania and Canary Islands at the moment.

5,5 years ago I massively burntout and got very chronically ill and I had to give up all, even talking some days was too hard, not speaking abt loosing job, Singapore visa, home, income, social life, you name it...

Now, after loads of holistic healing of body mind and soul, as I am recovering, chaging my life and moving to an island.... and coming back to dating world too, I thought this membership is perfect, as sex and intimacy are v important to me, always have been. I want to find a great partner, but also enjoy dating along the way ;)

I’ve been listening a lot to Juliet’s podcast while recovering and now after all the healing, when I met first man that I connected to after 5 years break...even if it was short term thing...I had best sex of my life and very healing too ❤️

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Welcome to the community Kotryna ❤️🤗

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Jan 19, 2023Liked by Juliet Allen


My name is Meagan, I live in Canada. I joined In Bed in December, but just realized I never introduced myself. Juliet, thank you for creating such an amazing group/place we can come to for amazing information that is not only helpful and enlightening, but already feels like an amazing space to hang out in! I only found you and your work this past November, but I am already loving it and I can’t wait to keep learning and bringing in even more pleasure!

Meagan xo

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Welcome!! So happy you found me and you’re in this community. I hope you love it 😍 🤗 Juliet xxxx

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Jan 8, 2023Liked by Juliet Allen

Hi, I’m Maaike from The Netherlands, a 32yo single mum. I have been following Juliet for about three years I think and want to keep learning, because she’s truly changed my life so much already. Also came out of an 17yr relationship / marriage last year, and this new ‘being single’ chapter of my life feels exciting and super scary at the same time. Juliets wisdom provides some safety though :) Look forward to the new content! Maaike x

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Hi Maaike, welcome to the community! Sending you so much love at this new stage in your life. I hope you get heaps of support and inspiration in there 🤗❤️✨ xxx

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Jan 6, 2023Liked by Juliet Allen

Hi! My name is Emily. I’m a single/recoupled mama of two, business owner, lover to my incredible partner.

Currently navigating blending our family, as well as shifting family dynamics with my birth family.

Learning to open up more to friends, creating those open, deeper connections is challenging for me.

I love your new format! This is lovely.

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Thank you for sharing Emily, so great to welcome you into the community ☺️❤️😘✨

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Jan 4, 2023Liked by Juliet Allen

Hi All ! My name is Alessandra I am originally from Italy but I live in London. I decided to join this community because I have been following Juliet for some time and I love all the content, the information and it has been already very helpful to me. There also 2 main reasons why I am here: I feel I don’t know much and I would like to learn more to become more confident with my body and sex. The second reason is I have been in a new relationship for few months and this person is really important to me and I would like to focus on my self, improve, learn, understand more, bring new things on the table in order to bring my best self in the relationship to make this the best it could be ! 💕

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Welcoming you Alessandra, thank you for sharing! Sending so much love xxxx 😘😘😘

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Jan 2, 2023Liked by Juliet Allen

Hello world. I’m a soon-to-be retired wife at almost 32 y/o. I live in Virginia and am working to rebuild my ability to trust, connect and communicate. I really lost myself in my relationship with my ex and I’m looking forward to recreating who I am.

I’ve been following Julie’s teachings since 2017 and she has changed my life. I’m more in tune with my intuition (whether I listen it’s another story, but I hear her), my body and my sexuality.

I’m excited to dive deeper into my self, sexuality and healing.

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I used to live in NOVA and now in NC!

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Welcoming you with open arms Danielle 🤗❤️

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Dec 27, 2022Liked by Juliet Allen

Hi everyone,

I'm a French lawyer and cabaret dancer living in Paris. A feminist, I enjoy the opera, the ballet, fashion, art, wine, cheese and traveling (I've lived in London and New York for 7 years).

I have been listening to Juliet's podcast since almost the first season, and I enjoy her work so much that I joined pleasure school in January 2022. I have just completed the last lesson so for me joining In Bed with Juliet is a natural continuation of working on myself. I also did the two masterclasses and I am the proud owner of 3 Juliet Pleasure Wands.

I am deeply interested in sex & sexology as a topic in general. More specifically, my challenge at the moment is taking the time to slow down and be more present. I really hope to be able to achieve this in 2023.

Looking forward to connecting with all of you,


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Hi Julie! Welcome :) It's so wonderful to hear you share and I just want to thank you for supporting my work! I'm so happy that it's been such a great guide and support for you over the years and am thrilled you've joined us here In Bed ;) Lots of love, Juliet xo

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Hey all,

Jen here- 32 year old Northern Californian bodyworker, diver, dancer, and lover of all things Juliet.

I'm getting In Bed because I was having sex this morning, and like many mornings for the past year or so, I couldn't feel anything. No desire. No pleasure. No fantasy, even. I had my hormones and blood work checked- all fine, diet is healthy, sleep is sound. I just don't want to have sex (even with myself!). Hello red flag.

It's time to really dive in to the heart of this rut. I truly believe pleasure is the key to living a fulfilled life, and I long to feel the deep connection and ecstasy of which I am capable. SO here I go, down the rabbit hole, so to speak.

Thank you for creating space for discovery, Juliet. And thank you all for adding to the ecstasy of the journey.



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Hi Jen,

Thank you for such an honest share with us all, I appreciate it so much.

I can certainly relate, I've had times in my life when I felt JUST like this, so you're not alone (no doubt other's in here will agree). Welcome to In Bed! I hope this community supports you to fire up your sex centre again, remembering it may take time and patience, and that's completely normal and okay ;)

Lots of love! Juliet xo

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Dec 18, 2022Liked by Juliet Allen

Hola, everyone! My parents named me Mayra, but I like to be call Eros. Right now I'm living in the pacific coast of Mexico. I came across Juliet during the pandemia, as I was discovering new ways of living a harmonious sex drive after many years of sexual leaking energy and shadows. I'm here for a few reasons; some of those are, a) I like your approach and style on delivering such an important topic, b) you going away form IG I find it genius! c) I look up to you and fantasize that you are my informal coach (I have shifted careers and now I'm learning to deliver my cervices as a Certified Sex Educator), d) in my personal life, I'm curious to continue expanding and discovering new ways of sharing my erotic energy, and perhaps create a long-lasting relationship in a community I'm not excluded for practicing kinkiness.

P.S. I'm looking forward to this coming year and all that I'll be leaning from In Bed with Juliet

muchas gracias

love, Eros!

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Hi Eros! Welcome :)

You sound so interesting and fun, it's so great to have your presence here in the community!

Lots of love and pleasure,

Juliet x

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Dec 13, 2022Liked by Juliet Allen

Hi, I have come out of a long marriage and am finding myself mentally, physically and sexually

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Hi Kirsten, Welcome! Oh wow, what a journey you are embarking on, I'm excited for you. I hope this community is nourishing and supportive for you :) Lots of love, Juliet x

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Dec 13, 2022Liked by Juliet Allen

Hello ❤️ my name is Ella, 32 , I’m a long time follower and listener in the Northern Rivers. I love educating myself on all things tantric, self-work, healing, holistic lifestyle, growing, learning and being the best version of myself so I can enjoy this magical life and share love with the universe. I love the inspiration I feel when listening, reading, studying even embodying your work Juliet. Your Tantra book, Podcasts, Pleasure School, Workshops, daily posts, pleasure wands ~ I’ve always loved it all and I am sure I will love In Bed just as much. I am grateful you have ‘put your life on the line’ and shared your insights, feelings, and life happenings all these years. It’s all been in divine aligning with my life happenings, so I’m here for me, and to say thank you. I believe in filling my life with people who I feel inspired by, supporting those who are sharing authentically, and above all investing in myself. Loving the content already. Lots of love! X

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Hi Ella! Oh you live close by, that's so cool! Welcome. It's so beautiful to read about you and amazing to hear how much you have loved all my offerings - thank you for your support of my work, I'm so happy that it's helped you so much. Welcome to In Bed, I look forward to connecting more with you over coming months :) Juliet xo

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Dec 11, 2022·edited Dec 12, 2022Liked by Juliet Allen

Hay Juleit

I just found you on castbox & I have been in a long missionary position marriage that has ended. Looking to find out what is out there sexualy but most of all find out the parts of it that i like.

Couldn't be a sexyer voice out to teach an old dog new tricks😜

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Hi Steve, welcome! I hope you enjoy being in the In Bed Community :)

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Dec 11, 2022Liked by Juliet Allen

Julia, 35, NY - I so respect how you and Nick do relationship, how you relate to the process of womanhood, and how you speak to all things sexy, vulnerable, empowering, challenging, all facets - thank you 💯💯

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Hi Julia, awwwwww thank you, so lovely to read your words 🥰 welcome to In Bed! Xxxx

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Dec 10, 2022Liked by Juliet Allen

Hi Juliet & everyone else in bed!

I’m Andrea, I’m from the states, CA. I discovered you in 2019 when my now very dear friend recommended the Authentic Sex podcast and immediately started following you in insta. I had divorced my husband whom I was with for 7 years in 2018 and had just embarked on a journey of self discovery and your teaching have been a fundamental in my healing & identifying my needs & wants. I joined pleasure school when it was fist released and I credit a lot of my progress to that! I’m so happy for you and your family to start this new project. I’ve been feeling the call to distance myself from social media for a while and this is a sign that time really time and going to be fine lol! I’m just now feeling like I’m finally in a place where I can truly be a good partner to another person and recognize what a good partner for myself would be so I’m very excited to be in bed with you to keep me on track as a start dating again. Thanks for all you’ve done for me in my journey and the the entire collective 🤟🏼🤟🏼

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Hi Andrea!! So great to read about you! Welcome to In Bed. How exciting, maybe you’ll find someone in here to date 😜 Keep me posted if you do 🙏🏼 sending lots of love, Juliet xx

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Dec 9, 2022Liked by Juliet Allen

Hey Juliet and everyone else in bed ;)

I'm Charly from Germany, based in Mexico. I want to take this opportunity to thank you, Juliet for having fueled my sexual healing journey from the first Juliet Rose Quartz Wand three years ago, to 2022 where I created my own pleasure wand business <3 I'm happy to be part of this tribe & looking forward to find inspirational teachings and connections here. XoXo

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Hi Charly! Welcome 🤗 So great to hear you loved your pleasure wand so much 💕💕💕I hope you love this new community! Juliet xx

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Dec 9, 2022·edited Dec 9, 2022Liked by Juliet Allen

Greetings nice to meet you Juliet - I just listened to you today via a sharing from Claire Baker. Awesome to meet you and your share. Intention for joining is to learn more about your share, authentic sex and to be part of an expansive community. Sahara

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Hi Sahara, oh isn’t Claire just wonderful 😍 I hope you enjoy In Bed, welcome! 🥰☺️

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Dec 9, 2022Liked by Juliet Allen

Greetings! My name is John, 48 and living in NC. I've been following you on IG since at least 2011 (I think) and have absolutely loved all of the advice, wisdom, knowledge, and experience you have provided over the years - it has certainly helped me be a better lover, not only to others, but to myself as well! I am here because I want to keep supporting what you are doing (very necessary for everyone, I believe) and I want to dive in even more. My partner/wife and I have just started down the polyamorous road together (so far, so good!) and want to surround myself with as many like-minded and supportive people as possible, and as much information and resources as possible as we progress and change. I'm realizing I've probably been poly much longer than I've realized and I love that I am finally embracing more of who I am...I feel like you were a part of helping me finally arrive here, honestly.

Thank you for sharing your energy, heart, mind, and time with all of us, Juliet, and excited to see what more goodness will come from this new direction and approach...wish I could join you on taking a break from social media/IG,but just started a new business, so...that will have to wait.

Much love to you!

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Hi John, I'm also living in NC (mostly Charlotte) so cool to connect with locals (:

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Hi Shann! Sorry I missed this and am just replying now. I am in Durham, but do find my way out to Asheville area quite often for Thai massage training and community. Thanks for connecting!

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Hi John, Connecting from northern VA. What part of NC are you in? I’m hoping to connect with more spiritual people through this app but it seems like no one is “local”.

2011 is impressive. I’ve been following Juliet’s teaching since 2016 and she’s truly changed my life.

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Hi Danielle! Sorry it took so long for me to see and respond to this! I am in Durham, NC. Happy to connect with you!

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Hi John! Wow, since 2011, that's a long time! Thanks for your support over the years, I appreciate you so much :) Sounds like you and your wife are about to embark on a new adventure together, how exciting. Enjoy In Bed, and good luck with your new business, too! Much love, and thanks again ;) Juliet xo

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Dec 8, 2022Liked by Juliet Allen

Hi Juliet!

I’m Kena, from Spain. I am 28 years old, in a 7 year relationship with a beautiful man that I met at Uni :). I’ve been following your brand for about 3 years now and let me tell you - it has been an absolute blast. I have some traumatic experience with sex and lots of blockage in many senses, still so much to learn and work on, but it feels so right to do it through your offerings. I have enjoyed sooo many hours of your podcast and it has been inspiring and hopeful to do so. I have learned so so much, Juliet. I don’t think I can thank you enough! It has also been beautiful to witness your own journey, creating the life you desire, becoming a mom once again, working on this epic relationship with Nick... oh! So amazing!

I really look forward to join Pleasure School sometime soon, but for now, I am so happy and thankful for everything else you share with the world.

Lots of love,


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Hi Kena,

Welcome to In Bed! So cool to hear how much you've enjoyed my podcast and offerings :) I'm so happy to hear that they have helped you so much. Thank you for joining and supporting my work and this big change. Lots of love, Juliet xoxoxo

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Dec 8, 2022Liked by Juliet Allen

Hi! My name is Petra. I'm from Sweden but have lived the past six years in Barcelona and am currently in the process of moving to the Netherlands.

For the past 4 years I've been investing a lot of time in therapy of different kinds and reconnecting with my body and finding (discovering!) my sexuality that I had hidden very deep inside of myself during many years of eating disorders and self hate. In this process I found my way to your Pleasure School and podcast Juliet and they have both been very important parts in my healing journey for which I'm very thankful.

I still have so much I want to learn (and unlearn) about pleasure and about myself which is why I'm here. Happy to be a part of this new community!

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Hi Petra, Oh wow, so great to hear more about you, thank you for sharing :) It takes so much courage to discover these parts of ourselves, and unlearn so much ... congrats on taking that big step! Welcome to this new community, I hope it supports you to learn and grow more every day. Much love, Juliet x

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Dec 8, 2022Liked by Juliet Allen

Hello! My name is Lil, I've been listening to your podcasts for about 3 years now to enable me to learn more about who I am in my late 40's. I've recently separated from a narcissist 20 year marriage, had the most challenging year of my entire life, but more recently have been involved in a loving relationship with a woman. I am loving the new me but recognise there's still a long journey ahead of living and loving. Thank you juliet for your ongoing wonderful insights xx

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Hi Lil, Welcome! Thank you for sharing, how wonderful you have met a woman and are enjoying a new and loving relationship, I'm happy for you :) I hope you love learning in here, and get heaps out of what I share! Sending so much love, Juliet xo

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Dec 7, 2022Liked by Juliet Allen

Hola Juliet!

I'm Alex from México. The first reason to join this community is because I think censorship in IG is terrible, makes me sad that useful information is banned. So I mainly wanted to show support, I've been reading your posts for a long while and I want to keep hearing from you.

Best of luck in everything you do! 🤗

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Hi Alex! Welcome and thanks for introducing yourself! Yeah the censorship is ridiculous, but lucky we have other options to express ourselves and explore sex! Thanks so much for your support, means the world. Lots of love, Juliet xo

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Dec 10, 2022·edited Dec 10, 2022

Hey Alex,

great to read that there's someone else in Mexico here :)

Not sure where it's best to chat, but would love to connect!


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Que bien! Si, me encantaría conectar, traté de buscar dónde escribirte en privado pero no encontré la manera. Mmm por instagram? @alexksanders :)


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Hola! Qué linda tu respuesta :-)

No tengo redes sociales, jeje.

Búscame en mi pagína, www.yoniversum.club y así también ves mi mundo (:


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HI Alex! Thank you for joining and supporting my work, I appreciate you so much. Welcome to In Bed! I hope you enjoy everything I share :) Juliet xoxo

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Dec 7, 2022Liked by Juliet Allen

Hi Juliet, I am Loise from Kenya 🇰🇪 , you've inspired me to go deeper into myself, to appreciate and enjoy sex more so experience orgasmic energy. I love you all the way from Africa. You are such an inspiration ✨️.

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Hi Loise, Welcome! I hope you enjoy the In Bed community! How amazing, all the way from Africa (I can't wait to visit Africa one day :) Love, Juliet xo

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Hi Juliet! Hi everyone!

Thanks so much for this amazing offering Juliet! I'm Antonia from Chile, living in London at the moment, and i guess in a way ive been a loyal customer of your brand for 6+ years now! I love that you are giving us this more intimate space to connect, it brings me such joy to be able to support and be a part of this. I always find myself being surprised with what I find when I dig into your content, so I can't wait to see where this leads us. Thanks again and sending love!

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Hi Antonia, welcome! THank you for supporting me for so long, it means so much! I hope you get heaps from being in this community and can't wait to share more very soon :) Juliet xo

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Hey I’m Chloe from Michigan! I was called to take Pleasure School back in July 2020, so much was going on in life for all of us and I felt it a good way to pull back into myself. I don’t remember how I found you on IG but since then I’ve taken all your masterclasses, currently catching up on all the podcasts and I too am ready for a social media detox and love that you are now offering these “In Bed” sessions on a more personal level.

I’m 31 and have been in a relationship with my bf since I was 21. After losing a couple family members at the end of 2018, Pleasure School helped me grow personally in a BIG way, and by helping me it helped our relationship.

I know we want kids some day (we want to be in a safer neighborhood first) but following your life with your baby boy has gotten us more inspired and I know that life is waiting for us.

I could honestly keep going, but I appreciate you Juliet and all that you have done and continue to do for the rest of us ♥️

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Hi Chloe, Welcome! That's so great to hear you enjoyed Pleasure School, and that you've taken all my masterclasses, too :) Awwwww, so cool to hear you have enjoyed following my journey with our boy Sol. Thank you so much for sharing, appreciate you and look forward to connecting more! Juliet xo

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Olá Olá 🌹

I'm Hanna - living in Portugal and currently packing up my life and after having lived abroad for 12+ years, my soul calls me back to my home country, Germany.

I've gone through a massive sexual healing journey myself and just love to get inspired by other humans in this topic. You're work is so amazing and I've come across it via John Wineland. Thanks for creating this space here. Super excited to see it unfolding ❤️

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Hi Hanna, Thank you for sharing! So cool to hear you are joining us from the other side of the globe :) It's my pleasure to create this space for you, I look forward to sharing more with you soon. Welcome! Love, Juliet xo

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Hey, I'm Allie and I'm very happy to be here! I'm a 20 year old from Bulgaria who stumbled upon your Instagram account some months back and I've been following you ever since! Right now I'm in the best relationship I've ever been in, the sex is next level amazing and connecting. Me and my partner have been listening to your podcast and playlists and we're looking into the pleasure wands. I'm just excited to explore and do my best to be my authentic self and I feel like you've been a great help!

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HI Allie, Wow, I loved reading your intro! I'm so happy for you that you're in a great relationship and that the sex is next level ... celebrating that for you!! And you're only 20, that's so amazing. Welcome, honey! I hope you enjoy it all. Juliet xo

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Dec 6, 2022Liked by Juliet Allen

Hi Juliet! I’m very excited to be here and to connect with you on this level. iG feels so impersonal. Relationships, navigating intimacy and sex, etc is no easy task. I remember listening to your podcast for the first time and recall feeling validated for the first time. Finally, someone gets me. I am so excited to learn from you and to strengthen my relationships with your encouragement and teachings. Thank you for doing this for us. We really need it! XX Jill, Indianapolis, in, US,

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Hi Jill! Wow, all the way from Indianapolis, amazing! I'm so glad you feel like I got you, that's so important. Thank you for supporting this change, and my work, it means so much! Welcome to In Bed, I hope you love everything I share! Juliet xoxoxo

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Dec 5, 2022Liked by Juliet Allen

I’m Jenna. A mother of three girls, 1, 3, and 5 and since my first was born I have been working to heal and connect with myself after living dissociated my entire life. I’m now feeling the pull to embrace my feminine energy and sexuality, as a way to continue to grow my self-love.

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Hi Jenna, Welcome! How special, 3 girls. And how lucky they are, to have a Mother who is healing and connecting to herself in this way. Sending you so much love, and look forward to connecting more :) Juliet xoox

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Dec 5, 2022Liked by Juliet Allen


My name is Léonie, I am from New-Brunswick, Canada! I'm sooo excited about this! I've been listening to your podcast and following your works for a while now. I have to say that the knowledge your shared and keep sharing with us, really did help me change my life around. I'm very grateful for this Juliet. Thank you🌻

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Hi Leonie! Welcome :) I'm so happy to hear that I have been able to inspire and support you in such a big way! Thanks for listening to the podcast, your support is so appreciated. Welcoming you to this new community with open arms :) Juliet xo

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Dec 5, 2022Liked by Juliet Allen

I have followed your podcast for years and listened to almost every episode. It has definitely opened a whole world to me, as it was the first step into tantra and shamanic practices for me, I guess about 5 or 6 years ago now? My son is a few months apart with yours so the evolvement of content towards juggling parenting and sex also feels right. Most of all, it feels right after enjoying authentic sex for free for so long to give something back!

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Barbara! Thank you so much for giving something back, this means so much to me :) How cool our son's are a few months apart, that means we are both in the thick of mothering/juggling (a fine art, right?! LOL). Welcome to the community, I hope you love it all xo

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Dec 6, 2022Liked by Juliet Allen

Thanks ❤️ yes a fine art for sure! 🤹 very full

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Dec 5, 2022Liked by Juliet Allen

Hi Juliet,

My name is Taryn

I’m here because 1. I love your work and vibe ( I’ve been following for almost a decade?)

2. I also want to get off of instagram

3. My husband and I just had a baby. I want to surround myself with people who are holding a similar vision for relationships, intimacy, and motherhood.

I’m looking forward to reading more and feeling intentional with the content I consume versus Instagram where it can be overwhelming.

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Hi Taryn! Oh yay, another person who is ready for an Instagram hiatus :) And you just had a baby, congrats! Thank you for supporting me for over a decade, that's truly amazing. Sending you and your family so much joy (and pleasure, of course ;) Juliet xoxoxoxoxo

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Dec 5, 2022Liked by Juliet Allen

Greetings Juliet!

I'm from Canada and my name is Taylor. I've been a long-time follower of your social media, listener to your podcast, and now I am starting pleasure school with my partner. The way you and Nick lead your lives is inspiring and motivating. I love all your content; my favorites are the personal life updates and challenges and your conception and birth insights.

I'm so excited to be here and I applaud you for changing your sharing method to a paid and more private platform. Sending you and your family lots of love and gratitude. Your vulnerability in sharing the most private areas of your life is recognized and appreciated.

Thank you for everything & I'm very excited to be here,


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Wow, thanks Taylor, your words and support of this change really do mean so much! Thank you for joining and for supporting my work. How awesome that you're starting Pleasure School with your partner, too, that's epic! Enjoy, beautiful! All the love, Juliet xo

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My name is Maddy, I’ve been following you Juliet for a long time way back when you first started your podcast and I think I have listened to just about every episode! I’ve bought some of your courses and always just been a really big fan of the work you do :)

You’re content and teachings have been immensely powerful, educational, inspiring, and transformative for my relationship with sex and intimacy. Sex and intimacy was never spoken about and was a bit of a taboo subject in my household growing up and want this to change especially for when I have children.

I reside in SEQ working as a paramedic and also studying to be a midwife. I’m here because I have formed a deep trust with Juliet’s teachings and I think it’s so important to have mentors and to surrounding your self with people who are living the kind of life you want to live.

Maddy xx

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Hi Maddy! Welcome, honey! Awwww it's so great to read your intro, made me smile. And you're studying to be a midwife, that's so awesome!! If I had a second career, it will be midwifery ;) I'm so happy my work has been so transformative for you. I hope you enjoy this community! Love, Juliet xo

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oops. i guess i posted the first one to. oh well:)

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Dec 4, 2022Liked by Juliet Allen

i'm a57 year old woman just now discovering the amazing depth of body/sex/love/connecting. and i'm a30 year yoga teacher-aware of all that associated with that... just never experienced it. i've listened to your podcast for the last few months by myself and along side my lover... i can't believe how you have challenged me to

grow. i'm so interested in pleasure school...

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Dec 4, 2022Liked by Juliet Allen


long time yoga teacher/practitioner. 57 years old. your podcast has opened me like crazy. my lover as well... i'm hoping to remain/or i guess become part of this community.

i've only just now... this last year or so, learned how beautiful sex can be. it's helped to heal some very deep second chakra issues for me.

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Hello Erika, how wondering, thank you for sharing 🤗 You inspire me so much! So happy to hear how much you’ve enjoyed my podcast so far, too. Enjoy being in here and reach out if I can help in any way! Juliet xx

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Hi! I'm Kat, I've just moved over to Australia after 10 years in London and feeling a big shift in all areas of my life. I've got an almost-2 year old and becoming parents has been a big challenge for my relationship with my partner. So I've decided to dedicate the next year to being more open, trying new things & learning more about myself, and finding what really makes me happy ♥️

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Hi Kat! Parenting is a huge challenge, I'm in it with you and understand how much of a strain it can put on a relationship. Good on you for dedicating the next year to something new, I'm excited for you. Welcome! Juliet xo

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Dec 2, 2022Liked by Juliet Allen

Morning Piet here from Brisbane - the enjoyment and role sex in my previous relationships always seemed limited and narrow. As I explore new relationships I want sex to be more expansive - connecting and heaps of fun. I want to invest quality time into my sex. So keen to listen and read what helps others make this happen.

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Hi Piet,

Yours local, that’s cool! Welcome to our new community, I hope you enjoy the content and connections ☺️ Juliet

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Dec 2, 2022Liked by Juliet Allen

Hi, I'm Gretta from Martha's Vineyard, Massachusetts in the US. I learned about your work a bit over a year ago and have been enjoying learning from you ever since, through the Authentic Sex podcast, Pleasure School, Instagram. I'm more than happy to invest in a monthly membership to support you taking space away from social media. My intention is to continue my pleasure journey through learning, experiencing and deepening my connection with myself and others.

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Hey Gretta - nice to connect here - and Martha’s Vineyard that is a wonderful place in the USA to live I understand. What makes it so magic ???

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Hi Piet, nice to connect with you! I find the natural beauty of Martha’s Vineyard is one of the most unique aspects of the island: beaches, pastures, woods, cute towns. Also the local community is really amazing, lots of art, music, farming, no chain stores most businesses are locally owned and operated. I could go on, it truly is lovely! I grew up here and I’m lucky to call it home.

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Hi Gretta, welcome! Thank you for sharing, and thank you for supporting my work, it means so much 😊 I look forward to sharing with you in here over the coming months xxx 😘

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Dec 2, 2022Liked by Juliet Allen

Hi I’m Nadine from Switzerland. I have a 16 month old wonderful daughter. My intention for joining this space is to continue learning about all things sexuality & relationships with self and others. It’s so great to have this space and I would love to connect with like minded people who intend to grow and find more depth in their lives ♥️

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Hi Beautiful! Great to see your name pop up in this space, exciting! Welcome, honey 💛

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Dec 1, 2022Liked by Juliet Allen

Hi I am Josie a Naturopath + fertility & sexuality educator who resides in the Northern Rivers of Australia. My intention for joining this space is to expand in all areas of my life but particularly relationships & business. I would also love to connect with like minded people who also prioritise growth in these areas 🤍

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Hi Josie! Great to see you in here :) Welcome. I look forward to connecting and having your presence in our community! Sending much love, and thank you for your support always! Juliet x

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deletedMar 3, 2023Liked by Juliet Allen
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Hi Joanna!! Welcome. So great to hear from you. I turned 40 last year too :) Next month I am publishing a guided meditation to manifest your ideal partner - it will be perfect for you and you'll get it as a community member :) Enjoy Pleasure School!

Juliet xo

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deletedJan 10, 2023Liked by Juliet Allen
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Hi Erika, so wonderful to hear you share, welcome to IN BED!! I love that bus story :) Sending you big love xoxox

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deletedJan 3, 2023Liked by Juliet Allen
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RemovedDec 31, 2022Liked by Juliet Allen
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Welcome!! Thank you for supporting my work and joining In Bed!! I hope you love it in here 🙂☺️❤️

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Hi Tori, welcome :) I look forward to sharing more with you in the coming months and hope you enjoy everything you learn and listen to in here ;) Lots of love,

Juliet x

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