Thanks for the update. What about those that paid the full year upfront? If I don’t prolong my membership beyond December I will have paid the full year but now inactive for the next 6 months. Just for clarification how this works then :) thanks in advance

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Hey Lovely! It's Maddi here, stepping in for Juliet. Your annual subscription is currently paused, so if Juliet reactivates paid subscriptions, your account will resume for the remaining subscription time. If she decides not to reactivate, you'll be refunded for the remaining time. If you have any further questions or concerns, just email me at hello@juliet-allen.com. Love, Maddi x

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Congrats on your pivot Juliet! I am looking forward to watching your journey (and family's) continue to unfold ❀️ xo Carla

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Thanks Carla, appreciate your love and support! xoxoxo

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