Hello! Welcome to In Bed With Juliet.

I’m Juliet Allen. I’m a Mother, Sexologist, Tantra practitioner and lover of all-things pleasure and sex.

I write about sex, pleasure and powerful relating. I also produce a popular podcast, Authentic Sex. I really want to stop spending so much time on social media, so … here we are.

In Bed With Juliet is a platform where ANYONE can subscribe for FREE to enjoy Sex Ed articles! Plus the occasional announcements from me and what’s new in my business to support your pleasure!

In Bed With Juliet is a community for adults who aren’t prepared to settle for anything less than an EPIC sex life.

It’s never too late to start learning about sex. And it’s always a great time to transform our sex lives from ‘good’ to ‘GREAT’. Welcome!.

I look forward to welcoming you into the In Bed community!


Juliet xx

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The modern-day sex ed we all need and desire. Be the first to hear all the latest news and announcements from Juliet Allen – global leading sexologist, mother, and advocate of pleasure, sensuality, and powerful relationships.


A global leading Sexologist, Juliet Allen is well-known for her bold, straight-to-the-point manner and for authentically sharing her own experience as a lover of all things sex, sensuality and pleasure.