8 Must-Read Books About Sacred Sexuality & Tantra
Continuous learning is the path to fulfilling sex and intimacy.
Education and ongoing growth is the key to living a life full of amazing sex, intimacy and connection with ourself and with others. Aside from my own book, Ecstatic Sex & Deep Intimacy, I recommend these following books as resources that have changed my life and expanded my own experience sex, orgasm and love.
#1 Wild Nights, David Deida
“You see, some women want to find a good man to love. Cock to a woman like this is always part of her man, the man who she loves, the man who she opens to God with. They want to open and take cock. It’s their way of opening to the Great One, of surrendering open and taking the Great One so deep they are lost in worship, gone in the giving of themselves, gone in their love of cock - not of a man as a character, as a husband or boyfriend, but gone in the love of cock itself.”
#2 The Art of Sexual Ecstasy, Margot Anand
“High Sex takes the experience of orgasm to a new dimension - a dimension in which genital orgasm is only the beginning. It inspires you to explore the full capacity of orgasm, culminating in ecstatic body-to-body and soul-to-soul communion. It is an experience of the whole body, the whole being. The path of High Sex helps your body to be free of tensions, your heart to be trusting and one, and your mind to develop such psychic skills as visualisation, imagination, and meditation. When this integration has taken place, you are ready for a new, qualitatively higher sexual experience in which physical pleasure becomes a delight of the heart and ecstasy of the spirit.”
#3 Urban Tantra, Barbara Carellas
“To much emphasis on orgasm? Orgasm a mistake? Orgasm a problem? In all my years of sex, I have heard orgasm called a lot of things - but a problem? Lack of orgasm - I have certainly heard that described as a problem, but could there really be such a thing as too much orgasm? Not at all! In fact, I think we should spend a whole lot more time focussing on orgasm. Why? Because orgasm is a profoundly important physical and spiritual experience. Orgasm is the body’s best natural therapy of relieving stress and tension; it is a naturally revisiting and healing experience. Orgasm is our own personal little taste of the Great Cosmic Orgasm that connects us to ALL That Is. How could this possibly be a problem?”
#4 The Magdalen Manuscript, Tom Kenyon and Judi Sion
“Right after orgasm, the magnetic fields generated by the female initiate continues to unsnarl and circulate. This is a time to rest and be with the magnetics, but by nature males tend to either get up and do something, or go to sleep.
So the male initiate must train himself to nest, to allow the magnetics that have been created to spiral into his body.
This is different from that which occurs normally, for in the male, orgasm is confined to the pelvic area, and in some cases it spreads. But for the female initiate, especially one who has been able to relax into the experience, the orgasm spreads throughout the entire body and can continue in various levels of intensity for hours.”
#5 The Power of Shakti, Padma Aon Prakasha
“The inviting of the masculine essence to come deep into you requires that you become totally vulnerable, opening, embracing, surrendering to, and receiving the male essence in its totality. How deeply do you trust the masculine? When the seven gates are open, you are letting a man deep into your soul and your feminine essence, fully into the womb consciousness, which also has enormous benefits for him.
This letting in, of course, can only happen through deep mutual intimacy and surrender to the other. When enough sexual, emotional, and heart healing has been done by both partners - both alone and in the mirror of the relationship - then this penetration and surrender can occur, organically unfolding the gates. The level of mutual love, trust, commitment, and willingness to grow are key factors in this, as well as the the ability of the man to be able to support the woman, to be the safe pillar for the woman, therefor letting her go deeper into her own essential feminine nature and deeper into the womb consciousness, taking the masculine with her.
One starts to make love in a different way on the subtle planes and goes deeper into bliss. The man becomes swallowed int he infinite womb and surrenders to this drawing inward into the depths where all men wish to go, back to the life force, and original innocence. The man becomes humbled and empowered in a new manner and the woman rests in ease and deep acknowledgment of her own divine nature, born from the deeper connecting and opening of the womb and heart. Divine Feminine and Divine Masculine are born.” - Padma Aon Prakasha, The Power of Shakti
#6 That Way Of The Superior Man, David Deida
“Whenever you are feeling isolated and weary, feel the present moment as if it were a woman. Feel like you are embracing a woman, physically. Feel the front of your body as if it were pressed against the front of a woman’s naked body, being filled with the delight of her feminine softness and liveliness. Feel her breasts and belly against you. Breathe deeply as if you were inhaling her intoxicating fragrance. And, while inhaling, receive deeply into your body not just her scent, but the very essence of feminine deliciousness, as if it were nourishing food for your masculine soul.”
#7 Orgasm Unleashed, Eyal Matsliah
“When you see orgasm as the goal, the sex is over when you reach it. If, instead, you see orgasm as more of a continuous state, you will enable greater pleasure in your body and a better connection with yourself and your partner. Orgasmic states can lead to higher states of consciousness, an increased ability for manifestation (sex magic!) and, ultimately, dissolution of the ego and union with your higher self, spirit, the universe, God, or however else you like to refer to this realm.”
#8 The Sexual Practices of Quodoushka, Amara Charles
Based on ancient Mayan, Olmec, and Toltec teachings passed down through the generations by the Twisted Hair Nagual Elders of the Sweet Medicine Sundance Path, the practice of Quodoushka offers practical guidance on sex, intimacy, and relationships as well as how to reach higher levels of orgasm and sexual ecstasy. Working with the healing power of sexual union and orgasm, this practice offers a path to repair emotional wounds and sexual insecurities, revive monotonous relationships, and discover the sweet medicine of sex.
The Power of Shakti, Padma Aon Prakasha is the one that really reeled me in. thrilled to explore this. gratitude ♥️
Finished your book today. I truly enjoyed every page. Also, took space to reflect on each chapter. Thanks for that invitation. Section 1 gave me great awareness. Completing Section 2 gave me space to implement. As I explore my relationship with self pleasure i realize this is completely new for me. You know what had me close the book in the third section ? ... eye contact 😮💨😅... anyways. thanks Juliet. This feels like my community.